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with Laurie


Let's Keep This Simple...


... Transformation in life often comes through an uncomfortable catalyst for change, a CHA(LLE)NGE.


We are less likely to want to change when everything is nice and comfortable.


When things do eventually become uncomfortable, we often judge it as 'wrong', we ignore it and all the symptoms that come with it, or we suppress it or run from it.


Trying to control and suppress the power of life itself takes a lot of will and effort, and this is often when we start to suffer and experience difficult challenges or break down in parts of our life, especially our health.


This energy called 'life' is what has grown the universe around us for billions of years, and it seems to have done a pretty good job wouldn't you say? But then we arrive on the planet for a speck of time and suddenly judge anything that doesn't feel 'good' as 'wrong', as if this great intelligence has made a 'mistake'.

We try harder and harder to control our lives and to suppress our suffering often resulting in ever growing physical symptoms and life challenges. Perhaps we need a different strategy? 


So, have a think about this for a moment...


... what if we truly TRUSTED in the intelligence of life? What if we started to see that these challenges we are experiencing are here to truly help us evolve into a new level of life?


When we start to trust in the ultimate intelligence of life, we can start to trust that 'life' is truly working for us and not against us, and we can then simply turn to face the challenges with a respect for the lessons they have come to teach us.


Pain is a teacher. But if we don't listen to the teacher we do not learn, and we do not leave the classroom. If we do, then we progress to another level of life.


I am here as a mentor and guide through the transformation process. I aim to help you learn from the challenges you face so that you can then evolve through them.


The core of mentoring is in teaching you how to connect and communicate with the conscious intelligence of life itself.


When we start to live our lives in full conscious communication with the consciousness of 'life', we start to live in alignment with nature and evolve into the full expression of who we came to be and live the lives we came to experience.


Whether your challenges are in life, relationships, health or business we approach it the same, we allow the experience we are having to show us what it needs to teach us, life is the teacher. This is where true growth comes from, letting go and letting life show us its' true wisdom.


It isn't an 'easy' path, it is not for the feint hearted, but it is an adventure to be lived.


Would you like to step fully into the adventure of life and find the authentic, empowered life you were born to realise?


This is the purpose of my mentoring, come and start your adventure!

The Process

I teach you:


  • To trust in the perfection of life, including all your challenges.


  • How to face your challenges that are actually here to teach you, and learn from them.


  • How to connect and communicate directly with the intelligence of life itself.


  • How to co-create the next evolution of yourself and your life with the guiding hand of 'life' itself.



Through these lessons you will:


  • Be able to move through the challenges that have kept you stuck.


  • Trust in the intelligence of life so that you have more peace and faith on your life path.


  • Be able to face future challenges with more understanding and clarity.


  • Transform & evolve into a life of greater authenticity, purpose and empowerment.

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